On the 29th June a very special event takes place at the Massey Birdwood Settlers Hall. The event – the launch of Paint NZ Beautiful, and to celebrate the occasion a mural will be unveiled on one of the walls of our hall.
The mural is being painted by local artist Mandy Patmore with assistance from the students of Massey Primary School. Mandy is busy working on the mural most weekends between now and the 29th June and welcomes people to drop by and say “Hi” and she may even encourage you to give her hand.
However what she does not want is the mural to be attacked by graffiti artists as happened in late May. See the picture. It is the first time she has ever had a mural in progress tagged.
It is disappointing to say the least and lets all of us Westies down. Most of us are law abiding, so who is the Lowlife Scum Bucket who tags murals? Obviously some people have no respect for people, property, and quite likely themselves and other peoples work.
The mural is being painted by Mandy and school students with the support of the Association, Keep NZ Beautiful, Resene and the Ministry of Justice. The mural is being painted to give us pride in Massey, and display Massey history and the environment to the community and NZ.
Please no more tagging. Instead help Mandy and have pride in our environment.