Dear North West Community Liaison Group member, please find message from Brian below:
It is now nearly three years since the North West Community Liaison Group had its first meeting and as you are aware I, in conjunction with Fiona Cunningham at Auckland Council, have been reviewing the group’s structure and terms of reference.
Made up of representatives from key project stakeholders in the transformation of Auckland’s north west, the group was set up by Auckland Council as a strategic communications tool.
The purpose of the group and its meetings was to ensure all stakeholders were fully informed about the project development and aware of any potential issues.
It also enabled stakeholders to hear about the various parties’ communication initiatives as part of a ‘no surprises’ strategy.
Over the past three years we have literally seen buildings come out of the ground – first at Hobsonville Point and now at Westgate. The landscape at Westgate is changing daily and some retail outlets will be open by the end of this year. Earthworks have started at Hobsonville Corridor signalling the beginning of development there.
Given that significant progress, the establishment of various other reporting/information channels for the project since the group’s inception and a change in communications’ focus I have decided to disband the group. Its purpose and objectives have been met.
The group has been a valuable forum for information sharing and that information will continue to be shared as part of an updated communications programme in a variety of different ways including the HLC Hobsonville Point newsletter, Massey Matters and Massey Means Business, the Upper Harbour and Henderson-Massey local boards, the governing body and other networks.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your time and dedication in terms of the liaison group and I am sure I will see you ‘around the traps’ of the north west transformation project.
Brian Neeson
North West Community Liaison Group Chairman
nb – and we hope you will use this forum as well Brian – after all the Massey Birdwood Settlers Association is the resident and ratepayers group that covers Massey