Massey Birdwood Settlers Association Secretary, John Riddell, would like to see as many Henderson Massey Local Board residents have their say on the draft unitary plan.
“The proposals will be a culture shock for New Zealanders, and for many migrants who left places like China to get away from the prison cell apartments to come to NZ and Auckland and the freedom of the less than quarter acre section with a house”, says John Riddell.
The Massey Birdwood Settlers Association will be making a submission. In our view Auckland Councillor Cameron Brewer is correct. The current proposals are a throw back to the bad old days of the Auckland City Council. That is the draft provides for tiny apartments.
“The proposals are of a great deal of importance, and no one can wait for 10 to 20 years to see the result of the changes being planned, they have to comment now”, says Mr Riddell.
The Association would tentatively be looking at supporting a minimum size apartment size of 35 square metres and quality standards for apartments.
The thought of 18 story apartments in and around Henderson will horrify many residents and why Henderson/Massey? Would not 10 story apartment blocks be adequate for the Henderson/Massey area?
Intensification of housing will result in traffic congestion on our suburban roads, thank heavens there were roads of a minimum width in our earlier subdivisions of 9 metres, now developers will be wanting 5 metres or less or no roads at all. Those issues need to be addressed as well, as do the number and location of local parks, halls and similar if we are to have high rise apartments gracing our sky lines.
Other important considerations are heritage buildings and the character of many areas that are worth preserving.