Imagine your from the North Shore and have recently obtained a visa to visit the West and cross the Greenhithe Bridge.
Or imagine again that you have come from the far North.
So what are you doing in West Auckland? Well it certainly isn’t to visit John Key, his office is in Kumeu. No you have had this suggestion that there is a large shopping centre called Westgate and you want to visit it. You have been told it is in Massey.
A map has got you on to State Highway 18 which is great.
You see a sign saying Hobsonville Point, you pass under a yellow bridge (must be heading west towards Australia – they are yellow -the Australians that is).
You see a sign that says exit for Hobsonville Road and another for West Harbour, then another for Trig Road and another for Hobsonville Road.
The other driver in the car, the “Boss” notices off to the right a large shopping centre, however you have shot past a turn off to Hobsonville Road and you see a sign saying West Waitakere. Another sign saying Lincoln Road and another recognising Te Atatu Road, and you have seen the signs saying Auckland and how far.
No way would you ever be able to find a turn off to Massey, or West Gate or for that matter even Henderson.
Now cast your mind forward 100 years. You have heard of a ghost town and suburb and shopping centre, called Massey and Westgate.
You take the Hobsonville Road turn off just in case, and you do find this deserted shopping centre. You find a road called Don Buck and travel up thinking that it might take you to another ghost town known as Henderson.
You notice swinging gates and swinging doors of homes with grass creeping on to the road.
The rumours must be true – about this suburb that is no longer a suburb, and the towns of Westgate and Henderson well yes they are empty. Nowhere for a beer.
So was it a Government plot. Was the west far too red (to the left)?
Well in part it was a Government plot. After all the NZTA (a Government agency) hid Massey and Westgate from people. Yes and soon people just left (died, went to war, moved) .
Some people of course will say that it was all part of creating one Auckland, a super city. So who do you believe?
So if you want to stop Westgate and Massey disappearing – lets organise for 50000 to March on the North Western motorway, to make a point you understand, that we all believe Massey does matter.
We need some signs saying so!! NZTA signs that is!