Has your household received that card from the Trusts Foundation entitling you to a free emergency torch from one of the Trust outlets?
It’s a good idea, though a little bit wacky. They don’t use replaceable batteries; instead you wind them up to charge an internal battery that powers a light (with several modes), runs an AM and FM radio (with a good, loud speaker) and lets the device make a noise like a tiny little siren. You can even use the thing to recharge something, like a cellphone; but which cellphone?
The torches are an ideal addition to your civil defence kit because we all know that earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters can strike at any time and communication is important in receiving help and learning about what is happening. They also fit nicely in a glovebox.
If you have not received a card from the Trusts in your letter box you can phone 09 826 2741 for information on how to get your torch.