The launch which is promoted by Keep New Zealand Beautiful with support from Resene NZ (the paint professionals) and the Ministry of Justice, will involve the painting of a mural on the side of the Massey Birdwood Settlers Hall, overseen by a local artist who will work with local school students to design and paint the mural.
Massey Birdwood Settlers Association secretary, John Riddell, is thrilled the hall has been chosen for the occasion. The hall was built in 1954 following a gazette notice being tabled in Parliament giving the Association the right to own and manage a Community Hall on Department of Conservation land (known as the Massey Birdwood Domain).
Mr Riddell believes the early founders of the Association, people like Luckens and Spargo, would be very happy with the idea that the hall is being used for the launch, as the idea of the Association (a resident and ratepayers group incorporated in 1925) and one of its primary objectives is to pursue and undertake any activity with the object of establishing, improving or preserving social, cultural or sporting activities or amenities or the unique natural environment of the districts (Massey and Birdwood). The mural will hopefully depict the natural environment of the area, as it was in the early years.
The Association is coming up to its 90th year, and the mural will be a fitting birthday present for an organisation that has served the area for so long.